Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In This Moment

Sparkling water. A fireplace. Huge beautifully framed photographs. Bookshelves from floor to ceiling with all the classics. My sweet friends are arriving any minute. I'm at the Pig, and this place has almost everything I love.  I'm supposed to be studying for my midterm on human behavior in social environment. Thats silly. Instead, Im going to blog about my behavior in this social environment.

This place makes me think and dream. I'm thinking about how guilty I feel for snapping at the little girls I sit for; "Im not your cleaning lady!" I said, as mean as I could muster. Im thinking about the retreat I'm going on this weekend with my mom, and how I love when I get to be close to her. I'm dreaming about a painting I'm about to create, and about how I will decorate my someday home to look a little like this coffee shop. I'm thinking about the gospel, and how it effects every aspect of our lives, in ways I've never understood before. And I cant wait for Denise and Olivia to arrive, so I can talk their ears off, like usual.

Thats it.


  1. aw i'm jealous of denise and olivia :(. and happy for you, of course. and yes i still owe you a reply.

  2. You certainly do Adriana Willey
