Tuesday, December 20, 2011

to be continued

When I read the book of Colossians, I am struck with the theme of thankfulness. It comes up 7 times, in light of some heavy aspects of life:
In community (1:3)
In salvation (1:12)
In sanctification (2:6)
In freedom from anxiety (3:15)
In serving and worshippping (3:16)
In everything we say and do (3:17)
And in our prayer life (4:2)

Instead, I live my life running to experiences, situations, people, and things looking to be satisfied. And one of my biggest fears is that one day I'll wake up when I'm 80, and wonder how life has passed me so quickly by.

A while back, I heard this inner voice, quietly beckoning me to be content and thankful. It grows louder and louder as the days go by until I've finally decided to think about it. I want to learn to be peaceful and grateful for even the littlest things.

I've begun to make a list:

-My moms classical book collection

-The sound of a friend taking my needs to the Lord

- A quiet moment by the Christmas tree

-An unexpected gift