I dont know if anyone really knows this, or much about this, but I have a job. I am a working woman. I'm a graduate assistant at my school. I was working like a second ago, and it hit me that this is my secret life. SO I thought why not blog about it?
I'm sitting in an office, with a big window that reveals the whole city. I can smell Hershey's chocolate cooking in the next building over. I'm basically a research assistant; I gather and analyse data a professor's current projects. Its not as glamorous as it even sounds. I work with charts and numbers. I was so lucky to get this job, and blown away by the Lords provision and faithfulness, as I took one of the biggest faith testing steps of my life: going to grad school.
I really like the professor I work for. Every once in a blue moon shes here in her office. We talk about Cleveland, adoption, and Africa! There's a really good coffee machine down the hall that brews fresh cups of Caribou coffee. Adele and Taylor Swift are frequently on my playlist, as well as James MacDonald's current sermons. Today I had a visit from one of my favorite friends Kim Duff, and welcome the opportunity to see Natalie Shull every chance I get. I like this job, I do. But every time I'm alone in this office I'm reminded of how much I love people and was created for relationships.
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